Gang Gang …

When I opened my blog, I told myself not to gossip about my personal life here. But hey, today it’s my birthday and I finally met the generous lady who is taking care of a cat that inspired me one year ago. So just share the story here.

Gang Gang, is a disabled cat I have met on BEAN Abandoned Cat Event one year ago. I remembered the first moment I met him. He’s walking in the hallway, struggling one or two steps then falling down on the floor badly. Then he struggled a lot to stand up. The whole process he was doing was just ridiculous. The moment he was managed to stand up, his body started waving again. Bomb, he’s down. Back to the beginning.

Later I was told Gang Gang had nerve problem in his brain, so he was not be able to keep his balance. While he’s eating, he need help, otherwise he’s not be able to eat enough food. More worse when he was holding up, he could not control his feet. So that the person who’s holding him may be scratched all over by him.

I felt really bad for him. Because he won’t able to enjoy basic things as a cat should have.

Two months later, I went back to the event. I met him again at the end of the event while all the volunteers were leaving. He showed up in the hallway. The moment I saw him I knew it’s Gang Gang. He saw me standing around 1.5 meters away from him. He started to come to me looking for peddling.

He was still struggling as before. His body was waving around hardly. After 2 steps I thought he’s going to fall again, but his front feet was managed to step on the right spot where he’s going to fall. He stood up successfully and was going to make the next step. One by one.

That was the longest 1.5 meters for me. I didn’t move at all. I was frozen, hold my breath and watched him finishing every step he took until the moment he falling down right on my feet.
He got his peddling, of course. But from two steps with one fall to 1.5 meters without falling, the way he never settles; he keeps fighting; he finds his way to living on HIS LIFE just just unforgettable.

There is one quote I read recently

” You Are the Result of 3.8 Billion Years of Evolutionary Success. Act Like It “

I think as a cat, Gang Gang did greater job to prove that point than lots of human being in our community. Wanna hear something hilarious? The name of Gang Gang is a word in Shanghainese meaning Stupid.

“We drink too m…

“We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read to little, watch TV too much. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years” — George Carlin @ 1937 – 2008